Charitable Trusts Our Centre is supported by a number of charitable trusts who have given us grants for core costs or specific activities. Expand Everybody associated with our Centre would like to thank the following charitable trusts for their grants and donations in recent years: The George Henry Collins Trust The Limoges Trust The Owen Family Trust Eric Vincent Lord Austin Trust Sir John Sumner The Grantham Yorke Trust W.E.Dunn Trust Richard Cadbury Charitable Trust The Grimmitt Trust The 29th May 1961 Charitable Trust The Rowlands Trust Dumbreck Charity The Jarman Charitable Trust G J W Turner Trust Douglas Heath Eves Charitable Trust The Goodenough Charitable Trust The Ratcliff Foundation Bishop's Charitable Trust Richard Kilcuppes
Organisations Our Centre is supported by a number of organisations who support and/or work alongside our Centre. Expand Everybody associated with our Centre would like to thank the following organisations for their support: Friends of Thimblemill Brook Sandwell MBC Sandwell Networkers Group Smethwick Old Church Thimblemill Library