Saturday 10th August 2024 @ 11am or 1pm.

Join us for a fabulous theatre production down at our community allotment plot* this August.

The Sleeping Seeds is a story about a pair of gardeners who are in a band called ‘The Sleeping Seeds’. These musical gardeners have a very special seed asleep in their seed bed, and they invite you to observe how they nurture and encourage this little seed as it matures and makes its mark in the world.

This is a show for all the family that uses music and play to explore what we grow, where we grow and how we grow.

Expect catchy songs, unusual instruments and fun joining in. Rake & Roll!!

This show is free to attend, but booking is essential.

A preview can be found here -

*The community allotment is based at Bearwood Allotments, Dale Street, Bearwood, B66 4HX.  When parking on Dale Street, we would ask that you park on the railings side rather than the residents side of the street.

Book a place

Ticket Quantity Price

The Sleeping Seeds 10/8/24 @ 11am

Decrease Increase £0.00

The Sleeping Seeds 10/8/24 @ 1pm

Decrease Increase £0.00