This week we're celebrating Volunteers' Week 2023. We would like to say a huge thank you to all volunteers.
Day One
Here's a short video from our CEO Robert Bruce
Day Two
Craig Wilkins, volunteer at DPC, provides his thoughts:
“Over just a few weeks I lost both my parents, whom I cared for, to COVID and I needed to find another purpose to put back into my life. Helping the local community as a volunteer at the Dorothy Parkes Centre has given me that purpose. I have met new people and made new friends by joining in and assisting in their various activities. It has really turned my life around.”
Thanks for all you do for the centre Craig, and all of our other volunteers.
Day Three
Here's a short video from Jodie Andrews, Trustee at DPC
Day Four
Read our Allotment Blog by our Community Allotment Plot Lead, Paul Randall, and hear his thoughts about the impact volunteers have on our allotment project.
Day Five
Here's a short video from centre user and volunteer, Christeen Morton
Day six
Judy Patel, centre user, provides her thoughts:

"I am a fair-weather gardener as cold long dark winters and arthritis are my nemesis.

With onset of spring, I was interested in making up my own hanging basket, as opposed to a shop bought one and was very pleased to accomplish that with help from Paul and other volunteers at the allotment and am now sold on volunteering myself. 

Living alone with the pandemic, making my home into a prison, it is refreshing for me to venture out and getting back to nature is very satisfying. To grow your own food and start cooking again sounds very good to me and hopefully we will have good weather and good crop of courgettes, tomatoes, peppers, and onions.

The allotments are very well run and it is uplifting to see professionally grown plants. There are several bird feeders on site attracting house sparrows, which are not so common now, Blue tit and Great tit that I spotted within half an hour of my visit. I am looking forward to seeing the fishpond project being completed and it will hopefully attract frogs and may be even a hedgehog or two and we will have to deter any herons nipping down for a quick breakfast."

Day Seven

Here's a short video from our Chair, Paul Martin