Centre News Latest News Colas Ltd on Community Allotment Plot It was an absolute pleasure welcoming Fiona Robinson and members of the Colas Ltd team to our Community Allotment Plot on Summer Solstice Day, 21st June. The team worked tirelessly in warm conditions to help clear a large area of our second plot & paint our boundary fence. This is a huge help & it was great to meet many new people. We hope that this can be start of a positive working relationship. Fiona, Social Value Manager at Colas Ltd, provided a summary of their day... "A burnt neck, muddy faces and a job well done - a sure sign we've made the most of the Summer Solstice at Colas Ltd!11 colleagues from across Colas spent the day clearing a community allotment managed by the Dorothy Parkes Centre in Smethwick and it really did look transformed once we had finished.The allotment can now be cultivated to produce organic fruit and vegetables to support foodbanks in the local area.Thanks to Robert Bruce and Paul Randall for providing Colas with the opportunity to make a difference.Thanks also to the wonderful team of volunteers who worked incredibly hard on what was a very hot day!" We would like to thank Kim Fuller from SCVO for introducing us to Colas Ltd and helping us to arrange this opportunity. Manage Cookie Preferences