The Dorothy Parkes Centre are pleased to be hosting the Sandwell Lions Club prostate screening awareness testing.

Saturday 15th October 2022

2pm - 4.30pm 


The test will cost £10.00 (Each PSPA test is subsided by Sandwell Lions) and is a simple blood test. 


Please follow the link to register: PSA Tests


Limited places available.  For any, queries please phone PSA tests on: 01926 419959


Am I at risk of prostate cancer?

In the UK, about 1 in 8 men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer in their lifetime. We don't know exactly what causes prostate cancer but there are some things that may mean you are more likely to get it – these are called risk factors.

There are three main risk factors for getting prostate cancer, which are things you can't change. These are: 

  • getting older – it mainly affects men aged 50 or over
  • having a family history of prostate cancer
  • being black

(Information taken from


Please encourage your loved ones to get screened.