Paul Randall

Allotment Plot Lead

When did you start at DPC?

Monday 8th November 2021.

What do you enjoy most about working at DPC?

There's a good and friendly team spirit and also meeting like-minded people willing to help out on the allotment.

What one thing would you change at DPC?

Nothing, if it's not broke - don't try to fix it!

What are your hobbies?

I like antiques, bird watching and woodwork, as well as growing my own vegetables.  I like listening to classical music and drinking vodka.

What is your favourite film?

'The Lord of The Rings' films are awesome, but for a classic family comedy, it has to be 'Parenthood'.

What is your favourite food?

I love Asian food - you can't beat a good curry, although a full monty fry-up comes close. 

What is your favourite holiday destination?

Highlands of Scotland.

What is your favourite book?

The Peoples Chronology by James Tracer.

What makes you laugh?

Anything funny.

What are you looking forward to in your role?

Meeting new and interesting people, being part of something special and of course - getting paid.

Tell us something interesting about yourself?

After much consideration, I'm sorry, I've got nothing!