Usha Chopra

Plot Assistant


When did you start at DPC?

5th June 2023 - after volunteering at the allotment for 14 months.

What do you enjoy most about working at DPC?

Working outdoors in a beautiful green space and meeting different people.

What one thing would you change at DPC?

Nothing needs changing, it's running fine as it is.

What are your hobbies?

Growing my own organic veg and cooking.

What is your favourite film?


What is your favourite food?

Homemade lamb curry with rice.

What is your favourite holiday destination?

I haven't travelled much but I really enjoyed Ibiza.

What is your favourite book?

Mahatma Gandhi's autobiography.

What makes you laugh?

Anything funny.

What are you looking forward to in your new role?

Being part of the DPC project and helping it progress to be bigger and better.

Tell us something interesting about yourself?

If I think of anything, I will let you know.........