The initial project started back in June 2018 when we were informed that our funding application to the Postcode Local Trust was successful and we were awarded £19,985 to create an outdoor community classroom.


The aim of the project was to secure an overgrown allotment plot and transform it into an outdoor networked community classroom; enabling people to develop life, employability, and horticulture skills, improve confidence and participate in physical activity.  It was also hoped that produce could be used in our community centre and funds reinvested back into the project.

The project began in earnest in September 2018 when we appointed a Project Coordinator who set about creating new relationships and links with local schools, businesses, and community organisations. 


2018 - From this.....

Allotment at the very start

2021 - To this.....


2023 - To this.....


Find out more here.....