Our Community Allotment Project Coordinator, Karen Palmer, has been extremely busy these last few weeks overseeing developments down at the plot!


We have been very lucky to welcome on to site The Wates Group, one of the leading privately-owned construction, residential development, and property services businesses in the UK to work their magic down at the allotment.  

Karen Palmer and Rob Bruce from The Dorothy Parkes Centre, with Danny Evans and Florin Barbu from Wates (Picture from Express and Star Newspaper)


The team who are currently building the Aquatics Centre in Smethwick provided materials and labour to help develop the next phase of allotment plot.

Builders from The Wates Group have taken on the final few areas for development including ‘the big dig’ and scrape of land which will create a flat area for several new growing beds, a base for a new shed, a floor in the new seating area, and a new sensory seating area.

Paul Reynolds, project director for Sandwell Aquatics Centre, said: “We are delighted to be supporting the Dorothy Parkes Centre and the amazing work they do within the local community.

"Delivering social value is one of the most important things we do as a contractor.

"While the Aquatics Centre will provide vital infrastructure and facilities, our commitment to working with local community groups will help to deliver a lasting legacy for the people of Sandwell and the wider borough.”


 (Picture from Express and Star Newspaper)

Work was originally due to commence last year, however it was delayed due to the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic.  Work finally commenced on April 12 as coronavirus restrictions eased.

Karen said: "It’s amazing. We’ve waited so long for the main growing area to be cleared and now, wow!

"A great big ‘thank you’ goes to the Wates Group and their team who have worked really hard to help us move forward with the community allotment project.”


Our allotment project is supported by a small team of volunteers and we are always looking for people to join the team.  If you'd like to get involved, please complete our enquiry form!  


During their time at the plot, Wates created this amazing video showing the before and after of each section they worked on!