Greetings Dear FOTA’s (Friends of the Allotment)

Another action packed ‘Blogerama’ from the DPC Community Allotment.

The wonderful ‘Jolly Vollies’ and I have really enjoyed the lovely, albeit brief, window of opportunity between ‘lockdowns’. Lots of weeding, winter planting, clearing and tidying up of the plot has taken place and it’s looking really smart. I can’t wait to show you all once Boris and Sandwell Council give us the ‘go ahead’. I do want to give a tremendous ‘Thank You’ to our amazing team of volunteers. They work literally rain or shine with real enthusiasm. It’s really sad but, necessary, that we can’t have the J.V’s. at the plot for now. However, we look forward and we’ll be pleased to offer the team some professional horticultural training early next year to go along side the online training we currently offer to volunteers with the oversight of our wonderful Community Navigator, Fi.

We would like to thank South Staffs Water for the grant we received from their ‘Pebble Fund’ scheme. These funds will help towards the biodiversification and enhancement of wildlife and bird activity at the Community Allotment. I’ve learnt a lot about ‘bat boxes’ along the journey! ‘Blogeriffic’!


Another amazing, ‘blogtastic’ development is the partnership between DPC and ‘Go Play Sandwell'. We have now recruited six wonderful volunteers who have begun the admin and training to be part of our ‘Play Plot’ team who will run a variety of outdoor play and allotment related activities for the ‘little un’s’. Watch this space and the DPC website and facebook pages early next year for details of activities.

I’ve been re-contacting lots of local groups of all ages and abilities who had shown great interest in using the Allotment prior to Covid. They all still seem keen and, using a calm, multi-functional, open, green space will be extremely valuable to lots of groups and individuals, I’m sure, once we can all move forwards safely.

So, if your wonderful group wants to take advantage of our lovely green, open and interesting place to hold its meetings and activities then please contact me on 07552 578 117 or email [email protected].

Kind wishes to one and all.
